Reporting Students Absences and/or Tardy Arrivals
Goal: All Lions have fewer than 9 absences!
All absences must be reported.
Please contact Mrs. Pape promptly regarding student absences at (650) 259-3860 or email [email protected] to report the absence and expected return date. If you receive our voicemail, please leave a message. Please include the following information:
- Your Name
- Your Child's Name
- Your Child's Grade
- Your Child's Teacher
- Reason for absence
If your child needs to leave early for any reason, please make every effort to inform the school office or classroom teacher on the morning of the appointment. Please report to the school office to sign out your child and we will call the classroom to have them meet you in the office. If a family member or friend, not on your emergency form, will be picking up your child, we will need verification via phone call or e-mail to release your child.

Even in elementary school, just 2 days missed per month adds up and increases your child’s risk of falling behind and even reduces their likelihood of graduating from high school. Any absences make it very difficult for your child to keep up academically because make up work and take home assignments cannot replace the everyday learning your child loses by missing school. Please make sure to keep track of your student’s absences carefully. Thank you for your help in making this school year a great one by encouraging your student to attend school every day.