Lincoln Elementary Home

Be Safe Be Kind Be Ethical

Our Vision and Mission

At Lincoln, we are an inclusive and diverse community that values every individual. We foster compassionate, creative, confident, and collaborative problem-solvers who become lifelong learners. Our students are engaged global citizens who actively contribute to an ever-evolving world.
Our mission is to work as a community where all students, staff, and families come together to nurture skills of collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking.
Be Safe - Be Kind - Be Ethical - Be the Roar!


BSD Board Meeting

Time: 6 PM – 8 PM
Location: Burlingame Intermediate School..., 1715 Quesada Way, Burlingame, CA 94010, USA (BIS Library/Media Center))
Dr. Shirley Clem

Principal's Message

Lincoln School is an amazing place to be! Our days are filled with exciting learning founded in core standards and quality curriculum, with enriching activities and explorations in the garden, library, and in music, art, and science. At Lincoln, we have caring students who try their best, dedicated parents and community partners who are supportive in every way, and an incredibly hard-working expert staff. 

It is an honor for me to be a LION. As your principal, my mission is to empower each of us to be our best every day and to foster creativity, compassion, problem-solving, and leadership. Safe, Kind, Ethical - WE ARE LIONS!
Dr. Shirley Clem