Our Community » Funding


Unlike many states that have sufficient education funding to cover the costs of a well-rounding primary education, California has one of the lowest rates of education funding per student. The Lincoln community works with Burlingame's nonprofit education foundation (BCE) to supplement the amount received from the government allocated funds.

BCE Annual Report

Every year, BCE raises approximately $2 million through parent and business donations to boost the District's school budget. The funds are applied towards additional teachers and specialists who enhance the classroom experience; professional development to support our teachers; and academic program enrichment in areas such as science, music, and math.
Without this crucial funding, Lincoln would be a very different school. BCE suggests an annual donation of $1,250 per student every fall, or $100/month. It is recognized that many families may not be able to contribute at such a level - donations of any amount are appreciated and make a difference to our school.

BCE & PTA: What's the difference?

The PTA is a volunteer-driven, community-building organization that focuses on child advocacy, parent education and classroom support. Lincoln's PTA helps coordinate volunteerism in the classroom, plans family social events and supports parent communication.