Academics & Enrichment » Wellness


Responsive Classroom

Responsive Classroom Logo
Responsive Classroom is an approach to teaching based on the belief that integrating academic and social-emotional skills creates an environment where students can do their best learning. The Responsive Classroom approach consists of a set of practices and strategies that build academic and social-emotional competencies. It works well with many other programs and integrates seamlessly with our District-adopted SecondStep program (see below).
Responsive Classroom Key Domains

Social and Emotional Learning

Lincoln models the Burlingame School District approach to student wellbeing through the Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) program. The SEL program, based on the SecondStep curriculum, includes lessons in the classroom to support student wellness which serves all our students.
Burlingame School District Adopted SEL Curriculum TK-1st: Kimochis
Kimochis Logo
Burlingame School District Adopted SEL Curriculum 2nd-8th: Second Step
Second Step SEL Curriculum
Physical Education
Thanks to BCE grants Lincoln has a dedicated Physical Education instructor. Kindergarten students have 50 minutes per week (2 days) while grades 1-5 are instructed 100 minutes per week. Through PE students learn the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to lead healthy, active lives. 

PE at Lincoln


Lincoln PTA sponsors the Dandylion Garden on campus. Here students tend to 10 raised garden beds throughout the year according to a structured program, led by parent volunteers. The program impacts the way children approach and think about fresh food by having them participate in horticulture first-hand.
Lincoln Garden